Monday, May 2, 2011

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

How you’ve found this site, I have no idea. Maybe you searched “mildly entertaining writings on sports by two bored college kids,” or you have the dorm room doldrums and are looking for a cure. Or maybe you’re answering our desperate plea for viewers via Facebook or Twitter.

No matter how you got here, welcome. The site started almost exactly a month ago by yours truly, a poor, bored college student. A student with, yes you guessed it, dorm room doldrums. We’re still working out the kinks but our goal is to provide entertaining sports opinions, theories, and whatever the heck else we want. We’re attempting to “expand” at the moment in the only ways we know how; bombarding people with obnoxious tweets, and Facebook statuses. Lets hope the day of spamming message boards and dropping flyers from an airplane doesn’t arrive. So if you feel so inclined, tell your friends who can tell their friends and we’ll have a nice little pyramid scheme going. Oh, and click on all the ads too.

Enough business, allow me to introduce myself… and Mark. We’ve known each other for about 15 years and have been arguing sports for about 20. He’s better than me at FIFA, or so he claims, but I’ll let my 11-234-9 record do the talking. He introduced me to Bill Simmons a while back who I think we’d both admit is responsible for our ambitions and this website. Mark’s technically not a college kid any more as he graduated from the University of Minnesota a year ago, but I still qualify him as one. I myself am transferring from Truman University to Mizzou and will be a sophomore next semester.

Now if we’re gonna get to know each other better lets move on to the important stuff, sports. Because Mark and I are from St. Louis we’ll probably be leaning toward Cardinals, Rams and Blues topics/best interests. If you don’t like it, then have fun with the Eastcoast Sports Preoccupied Network and never come back. Just kidding, refer back to paragraph 2 lines 7-8. But I personally tend to pull for Midwest teams and smaller markets as I can relate. Notice I said pull for; I’m exclusively a Cardinals, Rams, and Blues fan. But that’s another topic for another time.

To give you an idea of what you may hear in the future, here’s the extreme short version of some of my opinions: I am not a Lebron fan. I haven’t made up my mind on replay in baseball. My favorite sport is hockey. I’m obsessed with fantasy sports, but fantasy baseball in specific. I love Tiger Woods. I used to hate Kevin Garnett but as Bob Dylan once said, "the times they are a-changin' (but Ron Burgundy had never heard that song...)". Peyton Manning is better than Tom Brady, fact. Jim Edmonds is the greatest baseball player of all time (kidding…sort of). And I’m rooting for an NFL lockout (again…sort of).

As you can tell by now, I’m not the smoothest writer nor am I good with grammar and spelling. However the goal is to get sports opinions and concepts out there, the Pulitzer Prize isn’t quite an objective of mine yet.

Hopefully you’ll give us a chance and enjoy the ride with us.

Feel free to comment like Franklin earned a save.