Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Katy Perry and the Sons of Sam

As the United States Men's National Soccer Team (MNST) lines up to hear their country's anthem Sunday afternoon in our nation's capital against Jamaica in the Gold Cup quarterfinals, the loud speakers shouldn't blare Francis Scott Key's Star Spangled Banner. A more appropriate anthem would be Katy Perry's Hot 'n Cold.

Only extreme frustration would force me to compare one of my favorite teams in all of sports to a pop star's crappy second career single. But extreme frustration is usually what I feel when I settle down to watch the Sons of Sam play. Why do I feel this frustration? Because I know the current cast of characters (if Holden and Feilhaber are included of course) can compete with any team in the world but still has trouble playing the likes of Panama and Guadeloupe.